
i've been stupid on the internet since 2022

hey there.

hey there, websurfer. i'm theredlumas2.
this idea for a website just popped up into my head one day and i was like: 'sure, why not'.
playing games is like my only hobby. i'll go over a bunch of shit next div.
if i run into another named entity expected error i will spontaneously combust.) so yeah, check out the rest of my website. and sign my guestbook or follow this page and whatever else there is
and with all that crap out of the way, enjoy my coffee-induced center tag spam.

about me

general stuff

online name: Luma
age: teenager
pronouns: any, preferrably they/them
idiot levels: MAXIMUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
interests: they change every few seconds, at the time of writing it's bemani games, osu!, old real-time strategy games

favourite _______s

favourite games: Kid Icarus Uprising and Splatoon
favourite activities: d&d, web design and messing around in IRCs
something i hate: the "Named entity expected. Got none." error
favourite food: sushi, i guess


favourite favourite: favourite games
filler line: yes
autism: yes
yes: no
no: yes
this sucks ass: true
most of this is just placeholders: true
im too lazy to make a good thing here: true


13/09/2024 i figured out how divs work. only took me a billion years. also cleaning up the site a little and adding scrolling divs to sections.
i also want to make a more microblog type thing for the site so that spacehey doesn't have a giant h1 up on here, so if you have any advice for that contact me on my discord, @theredlumas2, and say some advice for that! (this thing will never be up to date. ever.)

my mood right now

The current mood of theredlumas2 at www.imood.com

cool people i know (and some projects i'm a part of!)

fanpages (will update soon)


cool stuff.


if you want to put my mid-ass site on your site here's my button.

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