luma's blog

all dates here are in the Day/Month/Year format.

the move has been fully considered 23/02/2025

- still waiting for you to act shocked

well, i considered it the website will be moved to right now, and this website will be taken down and just replaced with a button to go to my new website tomorrow.

may consider moving the site to nekoweb 22/02/2025

- act shocked, say something like OHH NO WAYY

as much as i like neocities, i've been looking at things on nekoweb and i find them really cool. i don't know why. i just do. obviously i havent DECIDED on moving the site to nekoweb yet, i'm simply considering it. this is simply just a notice and for you to not be suprised if it actually happens.

some switch 2 predictions (that suck) 13/02/2025

- they suck. i cant emphasise this enough.

the switch 2 will exist soon and the nintendo fanboy in me is fucking ecstatic (is that how you spell it idk)
some things i predict:

tbh im not great with predictions i just wanted to make a blog entry lmfao
see yall later

the redesign is up. 11/02/2025

- we're so back.

well, the website isn't shit anymore. sorta. there's a bug with the backgrounds that im too lazy to fix, but putting a bunch of line breaks fixed it, so expect useless scrollbars. yes this website was hastily made what do you expect
this website was made using a layout from teppy's layouts and tips and the text editor Vivian.

something stupid happened with the background and im too lazy to fix it heres a bunch of line breaks